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- Accomplish
- Pass!
2/3 Done
Pregnant Girl Wants to Have Fun!
Last week we went to see Matt Wertz at the Triple Door. I'm usually not a huge concert go-er, however I love his music, and you can't beat a venue where you can "drink" cocktails and eat good food.
It was AHHH-mazing!
Check him out if you haven't already.
24 Week Bump Update
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24w3d |
Baby Size: Corn - 12.5in 1.25lb
Total Weight Gain: at last appointment, 11lbs. ugh.
Maternity Clothes: Yes! Still making some old tops work.
Food Cravings: Sweets still....
Food Aversions: none
New Symptoms: none
Movement: YES!
Belly Button: In
Gender: GIRL!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Shawn felt Baby Girl move for the first time!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Painting her nursery this weekend.
What I Miss: probably a glass a wine, it was a really rough week.
What Else: The last week was really rough, but I feel that Shawn and I get closer with every hurdle we come across.
21 Week Bump Update
Another busy week. I find myself posting this a day before 22 weeks. Time is flying by!
Baby Size: Banana - 10.5in 12.7oz
Total Weight Gain: at least 8lbs
Maternity Clothes: mostly just jeans. Still squeezing into some tops.
Food Cravings: Sweets still
Food Aversions: none
New Symptoms: same old
Movement: YES!
Belly Button: In
Gender: GIRL!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out we are having a healthy baby GIRL!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Decorating!
What I Miss: this week it was Champagne - my family indulged in White Star while I pretended to enjoy my pink lemonade.
What Else: We surprised our family on Easter by announcing that we were having a girl. I had thou i had dropped subtle hints all around the house - pink tulips, pink lemonade but no one guessed. I had also baked a pink ombre cake and as we cut in everyone knew immediately. Sawn and I started our registry which was VERY overwhelming.....I found it easier to do most of it online rather than in store. And, we put together both the bassinet and crib, loving both!
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21w2d |
Baby Size: Banana - 10.5in 12.7oz
Total Weight Gain: at least 8lbs
Maternity Clothes: mostly just jeans. Still squeezing into some tops.
Food Cravings: Sweets still
Food Aversions: none
New Symptoms: same old
Movement: YES!
Belly Button: In
Gender: GIRL!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out we are having a healthy baby GIRL!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Decorating!
What I Miss: this week it was Champagne - my family indulged in White Star while I pretended to enjoy my pink lemonade.
What Else: We surprised our family on Easter by announcing that we were having a girl. I had thou i had dropped subtle hints all around the house - pink tulips, pink lemonade but no one guessed. I had also baked a pink ombre cake and as we cut in everyone knew immediately. Sawn and I started our registry which was VERY overwhelming.....I found it easier to do most of it online rather than in store. And, we put together both the bassinet and crib, loving both!
I couldn't take it any longer. I caved and bought my first clothes for the Baby. Super cute, even if "gender neutral."
Also, I found a great deal on my dream Diaper Bag on eBay.
Also, I found a great deal on my dream Diaper Bag on eBay.
20 Week Bump Update
Again, ignore the photo quality. We will need to teach Shawn how to use the camera prior to Baby's arrival. I officially am "showing." Weather or not I look pregnant or fat is still a debate.
Baby Size: Small Cantaloupe - 6.5in 10.6oz
Total Weight Gain: at lest 8lbs
Maternity Clothes: Most jeans are now not fitting without the Belly Band, it is almost easier to wear maternity jeans but I feel as if they make me look "more pregnant". Still getting by with most regular tops. Getting anxious for nice weather to wear all of the cute maternity dresses I have purchased.
Food Cravings: Sweets :-( last week I ate the aforementioned Red Vines, as well as a milkshake.
Food Aversions: none
New Symptoms: same old
Movement: YES! It is pretty indescribable and nothing like I imagined. It is still pretty sporadic though.
Belly Button: In
Gender: Unknown
Best Moment of the Week: Feeling Baby move and buying a stroller and some clothes.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender so that I can start decorating the nursery!
What I Miss: The SUN! (nothing to do with pregnancy)
What Else: Got a killer deal on a stroller AND car seat! I was originally thinking I waned the Bugaboo ($1000) but read reviews that it was difficult to fold and not ideal for suburban living. I then had my heart set on the UppaBaby Vista ($700). Well, over the weekend I made a stop by Merry-Go-Round in Bellevue, and they had a deal running for 20% off the Britax-Be-Ready as well as a FREE Car Seat. It is very similar to the UppaBaby, maybe not quite as stylish, but for more than 1/2 the price I couldn't pass this deal up. VERY EXCITED!
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20w3d |
Baby Size: Small Cantaloupe - 6.5in 10.6oz
Total Weight Gain: at lest 8lbs
Maternity Clothes: Most jeans are now not fitting without the Belly Band, it is almost easier to wear maternity jeans but I feel as if they make me look "more pregnant". Still getting by with most regular tops. Getting anxious for nice weather to wear all of the cute maternity dresses I have purchased.
Food Cravings: Sweets :-( last week I ate the aforementioned Red Vines, as well as a milkshake.
Food Aversions: none
New Symptoms: same old
Movement: YES! It is pretty indescribable and nothing like I imagined. It is still pretty sporadic though.
Belly Button: In
Gender: Unknown
Best Moment of the Week: Feeling Baby move and buying a stroller and some clothes.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender so that I can start decorating the nursery!
What I Miss: The SUN! (nothing to do with pregnancy)
What Else: Got a killer deal on a stroller AND car seat! I was originally thinking I waned the Bugaboo ($1000) but read reviews that it was difficult to fold and not ideal for suburban living. I then had my heart set on the UppaBaby Vista ($700). Well, over the weekend I made a stop by Merry-Go-Round in Bellevue, and they had a deal running for 20% off the Britax-Be-Ready as well as a FREE Car Seat. It is very similar to the UppaBaby, maybe not quite as stylish, but for more than 1/2 the price I couldn't pass this deal up. VERY EXCITED!
1/2 Way There!!!
I can't believe that I am already at the halfway point of this pregnancy. Time is flying, and I'm starting to get anxious about everything that needs to be done before Baby Fernandez makes their grand entry.
According to my iPhone app, Baby is the size of a small cantaloupe. Mamma on the other hand is looking more like the Michelin Man....hopefully I will get a "bump" picture up this weekend.
According to my iPhone app, Baby is the size of a small cantaloupe. Mamma on the other hand is looking more like the Michelin Man....hopefully I will get a "bump" picture up this weekend.
I'm at this really annoying stage of pregnancy where nothing fits, regular clothes are too small, maternity clothes too big. Also, this "bump" is not looking like a baby bump, more of a beer bump. Every time I look in the mirror I have to remind myself it's OK, I'm pregnant. It's hard. Hoping that this bump starts to look more like a cute preggo bump soon; I'm scared I'm going to be one of those "not cute" pregnant women.
P.S. Maybe I am just fat.......I ate ALL of that licorice in less than 10 minutes.
P.P.S "They" say that if most of your weight is in the front it's a boy; more in the middle a girl...........it's looking middle-ish to me. Just sayin'
P.S. Maybe I am just fat.......I ate ALL of that licorice in less than 10 minutes.
P.P.S "They" say that if most of your weight is in the front it's a boy; more in the middle a girl...........it's looking middle-ish to me. Just sayin'
It's only about 2 weeks until we find out the sex of our little Baby Fernandez. The hardest part about waiting for me is not being able to decorate the nursery. I've been pinning like mad lately, here is some inspiration:
If Baby Girl Fernandez
If Baby Boy Fernandez
Whatever the baby may be, this is sure to be the most decorated room in the house :-)
If Baby Girl Fernandez
If Baby Boy Fernandez
Whatever the baby may be, this is sure to be the most decorated room in the house :-)
3 things a pregnant woman should never (can't) sleep without.
1. Body Pillow - you can not sleep on you back after ~17 weeks.
2. Cool Mist Humidifier - pregnancy has caused massive dry skin/throat/nose
3. AmazonMom - you can order ANYTHING you could possibly need with free 2-day shipping!
Spring Forward
Our bodies have, now what about the weather? For now I will have to settle for buying myself flowers.
17 Weeks
I have this fun little app on my iPhone. Each week it updates me with stats on the babies' size. For example, week 5 the baby was the size of an apple seed; week 8 a raspberry, etc.
Well, today we have reached the size of an Onion! What does this mean exactly? Baby Fernandez is about 5.1 inches and 5.9oz.
Keep on growing kiddo!
Well, today we have reached the size of an Onion! What does this mean exactly? Baby Fernandez is about 5.1 inches and 5.9oz.
Keep on growing kiddo!
16 Week Bump Update
I'm a little late getting the ball rolling on the "growing tummy" shots, but now is better than never. Keeping with the theme of running late, I was officially 16 weeks last Friday, this shot was taken on Sunday, and I'm finally getting around to posting it on Tuesday. I digress. Overall, this pregnancy has been fairly easy (with the exception of a trip to the ER). I was lucky enough to avoid "morning" sickness all together with my biggest complaint being my teenage skin returning in full force.
Also, this is probably one of the worst shots of me, bare with Shawn and I as we figure out a good place to take the picture, but more importantly working on our camera skills.
Baby Size: Avacado
Total Weight Gain: 3lbs at last Dr. Appt.
Maternity Clothes: Had to use the Belly Band with my slacks last week, and some maternity tank tops for comfort. Still fitting in jeans, barely.
Food Cravings: Sweets sometimes
Food Adversions: Raspberries
Symptoms: Headaches, overall tiredness, excessive hair growth (gross, I know), using the restroom a lot; stuffy nose, dry/chapped lips, always thirsty, acne, giant ta-tas (I don't consider this a plus)
Movement: None felt yet
Belly Button: In
Gender: Unknown
Best Moment of the Week: Ultrasound in ER confirming everything is fine with Baby Fernandez
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender so that I can start decorating the nursery!
What I Miss: Clear Skin
What Else: I had a trip to the ER on Saturday after some cramping that lasted 36 hours, after some fluids and an Ultrasound it was determined that it was likely due to either dehydration or the fact that my fibroids are growing and causing discomfort - likely to continue throughout the pregnancy. Anxiously awaiting the arivial of my body pillow to help me stay on my side at night.
Also, this is probably one of the worst shots of me, bare with Shawn and I as we figure out a good place to take the picture, but more importantly working on our camera skills.
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16w3d |
Baby Size: Avacado
Total Weight Gain: 3lbs at last Dr. Appt.
Maternity Clothes: Had to use the Belly Band with my slacks last week, and some maternity tank tops for comfort. Still fitting in jeans, barely.
Food Cravings: Sweets sometimes
Food Adversions: Raspberries
Symptoms: Headaches, overall tiredness, excessive hair growth (gross, I know), using the restroom a lot; stuffy nose, dry/chapped lips, always thirsty, acne, giant ta-tas (I don't consider this a plus)
Movement: None felt yet
Belly Button: In
Gender: Unknown
Best Moment of the Week: Ultrasound in ER confirming everything is fine with Baby Fernandez
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender so that I can start decorating the nursery!
What I Miss: Clear Skin
What Else: I had a trip to the ER on Saturday after some cramping that lasted 36 hours, after some fluids and an Ultrasound it was determined that it was likely due to either dehydration or the fact that my fibroids are growing and causing discomfort - likely to continue throughout the pregnancy. Anxiously awaiting the arivial of my body pillow to help me stay on my side at night.
First Purchase
I've been itiching to make my first Baby Fernandez purchase, we wanted to wait untill we got through with the first trimester as to not jinx ourselves. I browsed numerous clothing stores looking for the perfect unisex outfit and was completely unsatisfied with the options - I don't know how parents that keep the sex a secret can handle it. The unisex clothes are just not that cute. And we are waiting to decorate the nursery untill we find out the gender, so my baby purchasing options are pretty much in a holding pattern for another month or so.
A couple of weekends ago Shawn and I embarked on a parental to be shopping excursion.....maternity stores, Lululemon for new Sports bras........, and BABY furniture stores! We came across this adorable rocking bassinet - it was perfect. Shawn wanted to buy it immediately, however I don't know if I was nervous to finally make the first "baby" purchase, or it was my general hesitation to buy furniture but we walked away empty handed.
Well, yesterday while perusing the Internet (at work) I came across the bassinet for almost 40% off. Done.
A couple of weekends ago Shawn and I embarked on a parental to be shopping excursion.....maternity stores, Lululemon for new Sports bras........, and BABY furniture stores! We came across this adorable rocking bassinet - it was perfect. Shawn wanted to buy it immediately, however I don't know if I was nervous to finally make the first "baby" purchase, or it was my general hesitation to buy furniture but we walked away empty handed.
Well, yesterday while perusing the Internet (at work) I came across the bassinet for almost 40% off. Done.
Oh Baby!
I'm back, or maybe I should say we're back ;-) It is no secret that Shawn and I have been "trying" for a while, and on December 10th we found out our wish would come true. Now that we have a couple of Doctor appointments down and are feeling pretty good about everything we are very excited to be sharing the news!
Meet Baby Fernandez
Meet Baby Fernandez
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12 Weeks |
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