
First Fall Purchase

I am SO excited about my first Fall Fashion Purchase - these look comfy and super stylish. Can't wait to pair them with skinny jeans and a chunky sweater!



The End of an Era

The little company that could....talk about a journey it has been working at a start up and now having been acquired by one of the largest Market Research companies....still contemplating my thoughts and trying to wrap my head around the fact that I went from working for a start up to working for Corporate America.


Headed Down to San Francisco

All Company Peanut Labs meeting - sure to be some stories following this one... 



Great Movie!

On the way to Hawaii, prior to being hooked on the books mentioned below, I asked for a digi player - you know the handheld movie devices you pay for on a plane to keep you entertained. I must say, that when I reviewed the movie selection I was not thrilled - it consisted of The A Team, Karate Kid, and some other lame movies. I settled on My Name is Kahn, somewhat reluctantly as it was in sub titles and it was an early morning flight; however I had heard it reviewed on NPR and thought it could be interesting. 

It turned out to be a GREAT movie - made me laugh, made me cry, and made me think. I highly suggest watching it.


The Girl Who...

Over our Honeymoon while basking in the Hawaiian sun and sipping Mai Tais, I managed to get hooked on the series by Steig Larrson. When I first started ready The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo it was a little hard to get into, but after the first half I couldn't put it down! I had brought the first two books with me and finished them. I was so hooked that I made a stop by Barnes and Noble on the way to dinner one night in Lahaina so that I could pick up the latest book! Last night I watched the movie based off of the first book The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - AMAZING as well!Give them a try if you are looking for some good reading or viewing!



Some Wedding Footage

Here is a glimpse of the wedding thanks to my co-worker Stacy.

Danielle & Shawn's Wedding! from stacey hall on Vimeo.


I'm Back and I'm Mrs. Fernandez!!!!

Holy Cow! This month has been a whirl wind, and I have loved every single moment of it!

More wedding pics to come soon!!!!



9 Days and Counting

Good thing we don't have any guests staying with us - wedding "stuff" has taken over the guest room!

It used to be more organized.....bridal stress has started to set in a little.


DIY Wedding Project Complete

Our ribbon wands are complete. Shawn may have a blood blister and my sister and Nana have aching backs, but they are done and so CUTE!

Can't wait to be sent off with these adorable ribbons!
